Root Cellar: Stage 2

Well, last time I talked to you about the benefits of a root cellar, and the beginning of my process to convert a corner room of my basement into a root cellar.  I started by cleaning it out and sealing some of the larger cracks in the wall.

I have since painted the walls with a waterproof paint to help keep it clean and prevent the walls from leaking. I did a little investigation and found where the leak was coming from outside and patched it up to help keep the water out. I also vacuumed and swept the floor so the room would be nice and clean.

2016-03-10 21.17.02

The next steps will be to install a tight door to help insulate the room and keep critters out, and to install a means of ventilation, which I will likely do by breaking a pair of small holes in the wall and installing vents.

I won’t actually need the root cellar until fall, so I will be using it in the meantime as a grow room to start my plants for the garden this spring.  The concrete walls will allow me to setup automated irrigation without worrying about water damage, but I will need to make sure the room doesn’t get too cool.


I’ll keep you updated!

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